Credit: Hartman, Steven, Peter Norrman and Stefan Rahmstorf, Are we sure global warming is human caused? Originally published in, 30 November 2017 (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Are we sure global warming is human caused?
Stefan Rahmstorf, oceanographer and climate scientist
Placing the talking points of climate change denialists into a proper perspective anchored in the history of science, climatologist Stefan Rahmstorf offers a brief overview of the overwhelming evidence underpinning today’s scientific consensus that global warming is human caused.
Bifrost gratefully acknowledges Prof. Guðni Elísson of University of Iceland and the leadership of the research network NIES for all their support behind the scenes that helped make the interview excerpted in this video possible. Grateful acknowledgment is also made to Earth 101 and University of Iceland, where the interview was filmed.