Bifrost Documentaries
Bifrost Insights
What are the Effects of Climate-Related Risks on Public Health?
A summary of National Climate Assessment information from the U.S. Global Change Research Program about the public health risks associated with climate change.
Oil Firms Spend Millions on Climate Lobbying
Spending to delay, control or block policies to tackle climate change.
World’s Most Polluted Places
Global Climate Change
Melting poles add to climate change troubles.
Dead Zones
Anthropogenic impact on Oceans.
Increasing Ocean Temperatures
How carbon dioxide is absorbed by oceans.
What Do You Think of Green Brands
Consensus on Consensus
Global Carbon Cycle
The Big Food Wasters
Risk of failure to achieve the SDGs under a high- or low-ambition climate agreement
Post-2015 sustainable development goals and the Paris Climate Agreement could set the course for environmental sustainability and human wellbeing to 2030 and beyond.
How adaptation to climate change can reduce risk for small islands
To assist in the understanding of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report, key data sets and information have been used to generate this infographic to show how adaptation to climate change can reduce risk for small islands.
IPCC: Future climate trends for South Asia
To assist in the understanding of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report, key data sets and information have been used to generate this infographic.
Global impacts for different emissions scenarios
To assist in the understanding of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report, key data sets and information have been used to generate this infographic.
IPCC: Impacts of climate change on small island developing States
To assist in the understanding of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report, key data sets and information have been used to generate this infographic.
Future Climate Trends for Africa: Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability
To assist in the understanding of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report, key data sets and information have been used to generate this infographic.
Global Architecture of Climate Finance
What’s Our Impact
Shaping the future of energy in Europe: Clean, smart and renewable
Energy efficiency benefits us all
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