Dynamics of environmental consciousness and green purchase behavior: and empirical study

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between environmental consciousness, green purchase attitude, green purchase intention, perceived customer effectiveness, green behaviour and green purchase behavior. Based on the statistical analyses, this paper offers some further research directions to advance the extant literature.

Credit: Aditi Mishal, Rameshwar Dubey, Omprakash K. Gupta, Zongwei Luo, (2017) “Dynamics of environmental consciousness and green purchase behaviour: an empirical study”, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, Vol. 9 Issue: 5, pp.682-706, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCCSM-11-2016-0168
Republished as open access by Emerald Insight (CC BY 4.0)

Curated by Lea Rekow for BifrostOnline