Climate Story

Climate Stories Project (CSP) is an interactive forum to share personal stories about the effects of climate change on our lives and communities. CSP focuses on personal oral histories, which bring an immediacy to the sometimes abstract nature of climate change communication. Some of us may recount dramatic events such as floods and wildfires, or we may address our observations of changes in seasonal patterns and our fears for the future of our families and communities. We may discuss how climate change is forcing our communities to adapt to extreme weather and sea level rise. Or we may speak about how we are getting involved in the movement to fight the fossil fuel industry through community organizing or nonviolent protest. There is no “right” way to talk about climate change, as it is a vast topic that is increasingly touching every corner of our lives. In addition, some climate stories are being used as the basis for music and soundscape projects that allow audiences to witness the effects of climate change in a novel way. Currently, these artistic projects are being presented through the environmental sound/improvisation group Earthsound.