What is Our Children’s Trust?

Julia Olson, lead council in Juliana v. United States and co-founder of Our Children’s Trust

Julia Olson, lead council in the historic climate change case Juliana v. United States, explains why she founded Our Children’s Trust in support of young people. This groundbreaking lawsuit filed against the U.S. federal government by 21 youth plaintiffs and climate scientist James Hansen on behalf of current and future generations is slated to go to trial in fall 2018. The small non-profit organization has done most of the heavy lifting to set this case in motion, while also inspiring, guiding and catalyzing similar cases all over the world defending the rights of young people against government apathy and government support of the fossil fuel industry at the expense of public health.

Bifrost gratefully acknowledges Stephanie LeMenager, Barbara and Carlisle Moore Distinguished Professor in English and American Literature at University of Oregon, and the leadership of the research network NIES for all their valuable work and support behind the scenes that helped make this video interview possible. Grateful acknowledgment is also made to Torsten Kjellstrand of the University of Oregon School of Journalism and Communication for providing valuable studio facilities where this and other interviews were filmed with Eugene-based activists, scholars, lawyers and plaintiffs affiliated with Our Children’s Trust.

Credit: Hartman, Steven, Peter Norrman, and Julia Olson. What is Our Children’s Trust? Originally published in bifrostonline.org, 26 October 2018 (CC BY-SA 2.0)