Gísli Pálsson: What brought on the project “Reconceptualizing the ‘Anthropos’ in the Anthropocene”?

Gísli Pálsson, environmental anthropologist

Environmental anthropologist Gísli Pálsson describes the rationale behind the project “Reconceptualizing the ‘Anthropos’ in the Anthropocene,” One of the first major calls to integrate social science and humanities more fully in global changer research. The general acknowledgement from the scientific community that “humans are the key actors in refashioning the planet, in generating the problems we face from global warming, pollution, etc,” argued Pálsson and his co-authors in this 2013 article, makes the necessity of drawing on the expertise of social sciences and humanities (SSH) specialists more obvious and more urgent than ever. This development has potentially far-ranging implications not only for the SSH research communities, but also for science and the global change research agenda more generally.

Reconceptualizing the ‘Anthropos’ in the Anthropcene: Integrating the social sciences and humanities in global environmental change research

Bifrost gratefully acknowledges the leadership of the research network NIES for all their valuable support and work behind the scenes that helped make the interview excerpted in this video possible. Grateful acknowledgment is also made to Mid Sweden University, where the interview was filmed.