The Psychological Effects of Global Warming in the United States

This report aims both to fill in the gap in our awareness of the psychological impacts of climate change, and by exposing the emotional side of the issue, to find the place in our hearts that mobilizes us to fly into action, forewarned, determined, relentless. It also is a call for professionals in the mental health fields to focus on this, the social justice issue of all times, with their capacity to work through denial and apathy, to bring insight and commitment before it is too late.

Credit: Kevin J. Coyle, JD and Lise Van Susteren, MD., The Psychological Effects of Global Warming in the United States: And Why the U.S. Mental Health Care System Is Not Adequately Prepared, National Forum and Research Report, National Wildlife Federation Climate Education Program with Support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, February 2012

Curated by Lea Rekow for BifrostOnline