Curated Perspectives
Bifrost Documentaries
Bifrost Insights
Receding Glaciers
Benchmark glaciers in the Himalayas keep receding.
State of the Climate
A new State of the Climate report confirmed that 2016 surpassed 2015 as the warmest year in 137 years of recordkeeping.
The Trauma of Climate Change
To maintain our capacity to address climate change, we need to recognize and address the trauma it creates.
Hurricanes Sweep Away Truth
Recent monster storms have also generated a hurricane of fake news reports.
Women Bear the Brunt of Climate Change
Women, who do the majority of drudge work in the economically and environmentally fragile Hindu Kush Himalayas region are disproportionately impacted by the effects of climate change.
Arctic Sea Ice Levels
The sea ice cap changes minimum summertime extent, which typically occurs in September, has been decreasing for decades at a rapid pace.
Monsoon Flooding
Fewer monsoon depressions in the Bay of Bengal are causing shifts in the duration and intensity of the rainy seasons. What does this mean for South Asia?
No Action on Climate Change Policy After Hurricanes
US history tells us disasters define moments in time; reform is generational.
Water Energy Food Linked
Climate change is making it imperative that the nexus between the three is integrated into all development plans.
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