
BifrostOnline is an international, open-access channel promoting education for sustainability and climate change awareness. The platform regularly presents and continuously updates a wide range of stories, reports, data, artistic engagements and insights from knowledgeable actors (individuals and groups) operating on the front lines of global environmental change. One goal is to increase public understanding and awareness of social, economic, political, cultural and environmental challenges related to climate change. Another is to demonstrate the capacity for decisive individual, organizational and community engagement in climate-change mitigation and adaptation efforts as we work to realize the world’s commitments to the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change. The wide variety of assets either produced for or curated on the site include Bifrost Documentaries, Bifrost Insights (short single-topic interview video segments), articles, features, scientific papers and reports, interview transcripts to full-length Bifrost video interviews, infographics, maps, third party-produced educational videos on relevant sustainability topics, data visualizations, curated podcasts, sound art works, image galleries and educational how-it-works videos that provide accessible walk-throughs of different scientific concepts or natural phenomena that are not general knowledge. As a sustainability science and education resource, BifrostOnline currently includes more than 1,000 curated, commissioned and Bifrost-produced resources organized and archived thematically in a magazine format. Individual user-driven thematic configurations of media can also be accessed through a keyword searchable finding aid.